Monday, January 26, 2009

Very Angry Kitty in Exile!!!

Well, I've had my first personal ramification for Jason's screw up. I now have ONE TENTH of the credit limit on my Alaska Airlines card that I used to, due to the big blotch on my credit report that is entirely his fault. Okay, I do need to take responsibility for my own part in this. But since when did trusting and believing one's spouse become a crime or a liability? It's not like I completely left him on his own on this one. I asked multiple times whether he was making the payments and whether he was having trouble. And he always assured me that he was making them and that everything was fine. Yet I'm held responsible.

Damme, this sucks!

I am so beyond pissed off right now at that man. It will be a while before I can speak to him, 'cause I'm quite sure I won't be able to speak without screaming.

And sad as this is to say, right now I don't even want to stay together. I'm that angry. Hopefully the anger will abate in a day or two, and I'll be able to look at things clearly again. Let's just say that I'm really glad right now to be in my own place.

Now, of course, I'm just praying with all my might that I'm able to hold things together financially and that no emergencies or disasters come my way that would have required me to utilize a "safety net" that I no longer have. Truth be told, under normal circumstances, I don't need much in the way of a credit line. I'm not exactly an extravagant spender. Still, it was nice to have it, in case of emergencies. No more. Sigh ...

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