Sunday, March 22, 2009

Kitty in Transition

So ... yeah. The "temporary" separation is becoming more permanent. While I'm not making any long-term final-type decisions right now, I have signed a year's lease for a new apartment on my own. As difficult as this is, I'm also very proud of how far I've come and grown in the last couple of months.

So now comes the really hard part -- the separating of The Stuff. Granted, I'm not all that attached to very many material posessions (one of the issues in our marriage, actually, as material "things" are VERY important to Jason). On the other hand, there are some things that I'd really like to keep. And on a more practical note, I can't afford to replace everything in terms of furniture, equipment, household items, etc. I just hope this doesn't turn out ugly.

I'm also hoping that Jason is now going to be able to cope and move on with his life. His reaction and behavior over the past couple weeks really frightened me. Thank God his mother was able to come up and give him the support that he wasn't willing to accept from anyone else. He may never forgive me for being the one to break the news to her, but I know I did the right thing. If anything, I just wish I had done it sooner. I'm also anxious to find out what he plans to do now -- whether he plans to stay here and go back to the massage program, or if he's going to try something else, or if he's going to go back to Bakersfield for a while. I'm hoping he'll be able to talk to me about it soon.

At any rate, this should be interesting. I'm not afraid any more, now that I know I can live on my own and take care of myself. That doesn't make it any less hard. But it's also exciting.


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